Homemade Baigan Choka also called Baba ghanoush or Rosted Eggplant.πŸ†πŸ†πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ’–

One of my favorite homemade Esat Indian dishes is Baigan Choka. As a child growing up with my grandmother, I loved breakfast homemade Baigan Choka with hot roti and tea. I recently visited New Orleans and I had lunch at a middle Eastern restaurant and Baba Ghanoush was one of the dishes I tried, it was delicious so much, so it reminded me of my grandmother’s cooking. I came home and made this dish myself in y kitchen and would like to shear this recipe with my readers.

STEP ONE: INGREDIENS               One large Baigan (eggplant)

Three clove of garlic, preferable large cloves

1/3 of an onion chopped very finely.

Pepper to taste

Olive oil


A) Wash the Baigan carefully, peel all tree clove of the garlic                    

B) With a small peering knife make three holes on different sides of the Baigan, twist the knife and place each of the garlic clove inside each hole, pushing it down until you cannot see garlic.                    

C) Light one of the burners on the top of the stove and on medium heat, place the Baigan on top of the burner and roast until all sides are roasted evenly, turning evenly with a large tong.                      

D) After roasting remove from the stove and place on a large flat plate and let cool, when the roasted Baigan has cool, proceed to peel of all the roasted skin and cut of the head of the Baigan where the stem is, with a fork proceed to smash up the Baigan and the cloves of garlics until fine and one Pase.                   

E) Add the chopped onion and salt to taste. Take a ladle add some oil and heat on the stove until hot, add one clove of garlic smashed to a paste, brown the garlic in the ladle after which you add the hot oil and brown garlic to the Baigan Choka and mixed perfectly until it is one, next add pepper to taste if you like.           

F) you can eat with nan, roti for breakfast and a hot cup of tea or coffee if you like. This is my grandmother’s recipe. I have change nothing in the process.



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